Tag Archives: Italian Fruit

Italia Oggi x O.P. Agritalia

The daily newspaper ‘Italia Oggi’ gave space in its ‘Agricoltura Oggi’ column to the technique of bagging table grapes developed by the farmers of our Op. Growing in the bag allows us to protect the product from external agents and preserve its quality. A great achievement in terms of environmental sustainability. The values and special […]

WWW (Work With WorkAut)

Inside our air conditioning centre there is a sign that reads: “Attention special operators at work”. We are not a large goods handling or hazardous work company, but we are a cooperative of producers, engaged in the production of table grapes, stone fruit, pumpkin and Jerusalem artichokes, and together with the collaboration of Work Aut […]

Feel Good, the table grapes that make you feel good!

Born under the sun of Puglia and Sicily, the new line of table grapes by O.P. Agritalia aims at young people Born to interpret the lifestyle based on wellness that drives the consumption of fruit and vegetables, the new line of table grapes Feel Good by O.P. Agritalia winks at a young and quality-conscious public. […]

Francesco Laporta, Quality Manager

What does the word “Quality” mean to us? The sense of quality can not be related only to the production process of our nectarines, apricots or grapes but must be linked at all stages! For us, quality means taking care of the territory, the people who work with us and those who buy our fruit, […]

San Ferdinando Squad

Call them artists if you like he work of plant construction, maintenance, cutting and packing goes through their hands. Professional and friendly, we are pleased to introduce you to one of the teams responsible for cutting only the yellowest bunches and creating the best compositions within our plateaux.   A heterogeneous team from the most […]